About Us

john and joanne
About us
By Joanne Lake

I am a proud, rule following, full time realtor and have been for more than fourteen years. This is my 3rd career. The other two were in Hospitality and Telecommunications, both of which prominently feature sales and service.

I work with my husband and realtor, John Lake, on all transactions. We are a team of two experienced realtors. No junior staff fill in for us or do our leg work. When we are hired, we work directly with our clients. I’m the front woman. My focus is sales, service and social interactions. John’s is infrastructure and IT. We are thorough and competent with all required industry documentation.

We are genuinely involved with each transaction from cleaning to staging, yard work, climbing ladders and fixing eavestroughs, hanging doors, squeezing into crawlspaces, folding laundry, doing the dishes, organizing desks, sweeping the front entrance, watering plants, bed making, correcting internet connectivity issues, driving water samples to the testing lab, providing uncertified calming counsel to liaising with client’s lawyers, mortgage specialists, property inspectors , contractors and appraisers.

John and I are the Muskoka Real Estate Homeward branch office. We are fully supported and receive ongoing training from hands on owners Roger and Deidre Gallibois and the 400+ realtors who work from 17+ branch offices in Ontario. We attend the weekly sales meetings and are current on all continuing education requirements.

I am not concerned with being the most popular or the richest realtor (some may define success this way). I am concerned with ensuring our clients are confident that we are taking excellent care of them, their families, their confidences, and the process of buying, selling or leasing from the start to finish of their transaction.

We travel from the GTA to Muskoka regularly, as do most of our clients and prospective clients. Our clients receive our full attention and our innate and fiduciary responsibility to act solely in THEIR best interests. Our Google reviews support this.

We are family people, dog lovers, inclusive neighbours, community volunteers, supporters of shopping locally, pickleball, yoga and aviation buffs, guardians of the great, spacious north and the fabulous, diverse GTA.

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